If you’re a freelancer, you may have heard that your resume isn’t that important. You may think that resumes are only used if you’re looking for an in-house job at a company. Well, it’s time to reframe your perspective. Your resume should still tell the client what value you offer.
It’s common for freelancers to have multiple jobs across shorter spans of time compared to a full-time employee at a company. Therefore, your resume design must accurately reflect your experience without overwhelming anyone who reads it. Here’s how to set yourself up for success.
Showcase Your Skills
Design your resume to be skill-based rather than listing your positions in chronological order. Clients hiring freelancers are looking for specific skills that you will have -- it needs to be clear when they skim your resume. With freelance work, certain skills and experience will be required for each project. With your skills clearly listed, you’ll be hired in no time!
Cut The Fat, Use Verbiage That Reflects The Job You Want
Common mistake: using the same resume over and over, never adjusting the way you describe your experience. We know you’re better than that. Don’t put everything you’ve done on your resume! Curate your resume to fit that specific position or project you are going after. As a freelancer, we’re sure you have a ton of great experience, but not all of it may be relevant to the job you’re applying for. You want your future employer to be able to quickly see your fit for the position.
Include Your Portfolio
We understand that as a freelancer, your portfolio is part of your resume. Make sure you have an up-to-date and clean portfolio that showcases your past projects. Most portfolios in today’s digital age are online, so be sure to include the URL at the top of your one-page resume. Employers and clients can easily go to your portfolio and check out your work without feeling overwhelmed or having to dig.
Keep It Short & Sweet
When clients are looking to hire you, they won’t have time to read every little detail. Keep your descriptions short but be sure to include your value in every point you make. Most companies are now using ATS (Applicant Tracking System), so implementing keywords in those descriptions are going to boost your chances of landing a job that makes you happy!
Include A Call To Action
Last, but definitely not least, include a clear call to action. HR professionals and hiring managers won’t know what to do if you don’t give them clear instructions. You want them to visit your website? Make your URL clear on your resume. You want them to check out your portfolio? Draw attention to where it is at the top of your resume. This directs people to do what you want them to and see more that you have to offer!
Most importantly, your resume must reflect who YOU are. There’s no exact formula, but these five tips will help you get noticed and position yourself as the professional you are!
For more insight on revamping your resume, optimizing your Linkedin, or personalizing your cover letter, check out more on our blog.

Adaire Smithwick is Write For The Job's Spring 2019 PR intern and attends University of Georgia.