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How to show "culture fit" in your job application

These days, it's not enough to have the required skills and experience for a job. Companies are looking to hire someone who is the right "culture fit" for the office environment they are trying to create in addition to having strong qualifications.

A common mistake is to think that you first show that you're the right culture fit in the interview stage. Farrah Medrano, Wells Fargo Talent Acquisition Specialist and Recruiter says that she uses key aspects of your Linkedin, cover letter, and resume to see if you're the right culture fit before she even calls you in for an interview.

Watch the 3-minute interview between Write For The Job Founder Sarah Sax and Farrah Medrano above or on our YouTube channel.

Let's break it down for you.

On your Linkedin, what companies or industry leaders do you follow? What groups are you part of? What organizations do you volunteer for? These are elements of your profile that show your interests, industry role models, and causes you care about. These items show a more "human" side to you, and give recruiters a sense of who you are outside of the office.

On your resume, your objective or summary statement at the top not only gives context for the rest of the resume but it also declares your strengths right at the start. This section shares plain and simple why you are qualified for the job you desire and how you can fit into the company environment.


For your cover letter, use this as your major pitch for why you are right for the job you're applying to. If you're pivoting industries, explain what prompted that switch and why you have the skills needed to deliver in the company's position. The cover letter is where you can let yourself shine, adding flair with your writing style or sharing stories to paint a picture for who you are. This is where you use your voice and help the HR professional or recruiter connect with you before you "wow" them in an interview.


HOW TO: Make sure you have these 4 elements of a strong cover letter.


If this is overwhelming or you want to make sure you're putting your best foot forward, book a free 15-minute consultation with our career coach. We will personalize our advice to your job search and see that you're headed on the right track. Email us:

Sarah Sax is the Founder of Write For The Job.


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