Productivity can be tough to master. Whether you’re starting out in a new position or a veteran to your workplace, productivity tips can always help. All it takes is three simple hacks for you to find yourself getting more done with quality work! Who says you have to choose quality over quantity? Not anymore!
Prioritize Your List
Our favorite and first hack is to prioritize your to-do list.. What is urgent and must be completed first? Our favorite method when it comes to mastering the to-do list is the Ivy Lee Method. This method involves writing down six tasks - only six - that you are going to accomplish the next day. Any more runs the risk of you feeling overwhelmed. Organize your six tasks in the order of importance. Tackle them with confidence throughout the day, and at the end, any leftover tasks you couldn’t get to should go onto the list of six for tomorrow.
Get Rid of Clutter
When you have a cluttered space, you have a cluttered mind. Take it from world renowned professional organizer Marie Kondo. She says, “It's not just about tidying, it's about tidying up your life and yourself.” You may not realize it, but having papers and sticky notes everywhere distracts you from a clear path to accomplishing the task you set out to complete. Take 15 minutes each day to declutter your workspace before you leave the office. You may find that some things can be thrown away, or even find that missing coffee cup from three weeks ago. This will set yourself up for a successful next day.
Learn To Say No
We all struggle with the balance of wanting to perform well and producing quality work while also helping others. Well, guess what? It’s ok to say no, especially if it’s getting in the way of what’s important. Your first responsibility is to ensure your priority list is getting accomplished. Then, give your energy to others. You won’t be your most productive self if you feel bogged down by unnecessary responsibility.
Test out our three hacks for your workday, and let us know which works the best.

Adaire Smithwick is Write For The Job's Spring 2019 PR intern and attends University of Georgia.